Thursday, July 26, 2007

Oh, about my title

I just realised I forgot to explain the name of my blog.

Well I originally wanted it to be, but that name was taken. So my second choice was Kissaphobic. Kissaphobic comes from a line in one of my favorite McFly songs, Little Joanna "and that's why i'm a kissaphobic, how your life dreams are made."

"The Clandestine blog of a kissaphobic teenage girl" is because I didn't want to COMPLETELY give up the clandestine part...and clandestine means kept secret or done secret...and this blog is a secret from my real-world friends and my family. And no, I'm not really afraid of kissing lol. But once again, my username is kissaphobic.

Soo yeah. Hope I cleared up any confusiong =]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i thought it was, where cellulite dreams are made